Tuesday, June 5

Summer Begins!

This past weekend, we had some visitors from Oklahoma! Josh's dad and two of his little sisters came to see us in Louisiana. We had a great weekend spending quality family together and enjoying the start to a great summer. 

You can't visit Louisiana during mudbug season without experiencing some cajun flavor. We went to Shane's Seafood and BBQ, the boys ate some crawfish, red potatoes, and alligator tail! 

In case you were wondering what I eat at all these crazy Louisiana restaurants, I have learned that you can get a baked potato and salad almost anywhere (:

We also went back to the alligator farm so the girls could feed the animals and see some Louisiana gators! 

Poor Raegan got sneezed on by one of the deer, ha!

 Josh had fun tormenting the animals!

Even though it was hotter than the last time we were here the alligators were busy baking in the sun, we're beginning to know them on a first name basis (: ha!

Raegan also went on a miniature pony ride!

We also checked out the Air Force museum on base this weekend too.

One of my favorite parts of the weekend was getting to spend a lot of time at our home with our family.  Raegan and Lauren enjoyed playing Mario and Donkey Kong on the Wii. 

The girls and I also spent part of one day by the neighborhood pool

Josh's dad bought us a much needed summer essential, a grill! He even assembled it for us and on Sunday made us fried okra, grilled corn on the cob, a veggie medley, and grilled chicken. 

Leyla and Leo had a great weekend spending time with their new friends too. Although by Sunday night they were both passed out from trying to keep up with everyone!

We had so much fun this weekend with family and had a great kick off to our newlywed summer! Hope the rest of our friends and family had a wonderful weekend too!


  1. Once again Rebecca, you have shared such an interesting perspective on life in Louisiana and the joy in sharing it with family!

  2. Wyatt and I can't wait to meet the alligators sometime too! Miss you bunches.
